Developmental Reading 2019

In May of 2019 we presented a Developmental Reading of The Willmar Project at Playwrights Horizons in New York City.

This was a free community event with food & drinks and a performance by local musician, Miriam Elhajli. Following the reading we invited those in attendance to participate in a talkback discussion to share their feedback and experience with the material. One of our discoveries as we developed this work with artists & audiences outside of the participant community, is how often in the sharing of these stories that are individual and specific, people responded that they personally related to or had experienced the same things being talked about on stage. Engaging a multi-cultural and inter-generational audience in the early stages of development helped us go deeper into the work and identify where we wanted to go.

“...really remarkable how I related with somebody from every piece.”

“I saw my story!”

“I was perpetually in awe of remembering that these were real bits of dialogue - not ‘dialogue’ - that people said these things that are really profound.”

Audience quotes from post-reading talkback


Company Launch: 2018


Script Development Workshop: 2020